Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Last blog post

It's so insane to me that this week was my last full week as a missionary! I feel almost as though I have been and will be a full time missionary my whole life, and coming home is just a lie! But it's true! I'm so excited to see my family and friends again. At the same time, however, I'm so sad to leave Georgia, and all the amazing people I have come to know and love here.

Throughout my mission I have seen so many miracles. I have seen lives change as they come closer to Jesus Christ and learn more about Him and His gospel. I have seen myself change and grow in so many ways as well.

I am so grateful for the opportunity I have had to learn and grow on my mission. I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior. I love Him. I know that He died for me individually, and loves me infinitely. I know that this church is His church, and we have His gospel and teaching and priesthood on the earth today. What a blessing that is to all of us! It brings me so much peace and happiness to know! I know that God lives, and loves us. He has provided a perfect plan for us to return to Him, and no matter how many times we screw up, He will continue to love us and cheer us on.

I love you all, and I'm so grateful for all the support you have shown me on my mission. I have loved serving so much.

See you soon!
Hermana Frank

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

June 25, 2018


This week was great, it just flew by so quickly! We saw so many miracles and tons of success this week.

We had lots of exchanges with the sisters in the zone this week, and I am so grateful for all of them and their amazing examples! On one exchange, I was able to go up to Murphy, which is in North Carolina, and that was such an adventure! It was beautiful up there, but the area is super different! The houses there are miles apart, and there are horses and cows everywhere! We were able to talk to lots of people though, and go downtown, which was so fun!

We also had interviews with our mission president this week. He gave me lots of great advice, I'm so grateful for him and for the revelation he receives for me and all the other missionaries serving here!

This is a random story as well, but yesterday while walking back go our apartment we found a little kitten! We took pics with it, obvs, it was just so cute. And we were able to give it to our neighbor who is going to find it a good home. So that's good haha.

But honestly this week was amazing, and as I have been reflecting on my mission and all the amazing experiences I have had, I have just been so overwhelmed with gratitude. I love this gospel and the people I am meeting, and I am so grateful to be able to serve the Lord in Georgia. 

I love you all
Hermana Frank

Monday, June 18, 2018

June 18, 2018

Hello everyone!

Sorry, it has been a few crazy busy weeks! We have been working so hard here and seeing so many miracles! 

One of the miracles we saw, was a couple weeks ago on Saturday we were contacting and met a dad carrying in groceries. He wasn't interested, but he went inside to get his son, and his son was very interested! He said he lived in San Antonio so we gave him a card and told him he could give us a call to be in contact with the missionaries there. We didn't know if we would hear from him again, but the next day he came to church! He will be here for the summer and we have been meeting with him since! He is doing awesome! 

This week we were also able to meet with Elder Robbins. He is in the presidency of the 70, and he gave us a really great devotional. He talked a lot about goals and planning and why that is so important in missionary work. 

We were also able to attend zone conference, which was amazing! We were able to hear testimonies from our new mission presidency, and the spirit was so strong. I am so grateful for them and for their service! 

Amazing things are still happening here, and I love being a missionary. Thank you all for your love and support!
Hermana Frank

Friday, June 15, 2018

June 4, 2018

Hello everyone!
This week it got super hot here, but I still absolutely love it! Also, the weather was crazy this Friday. We were at MLC and during a training the elders were giving, the wind and rain picked up, and the power went out! We finished out the meeting in the dark which was super strange and funny haha. Luckily, one elder had a flashlight and the emergency lights were on so it wasn't too dark.

Anyways, besides that, this week was pretty good! We tracted a lot and found quite a few new people to teach that we are really excited about!

We also had quite a few people make it to church! Yay! We were so excited and glad that they were able to make it and feel the spirit in the meeting. Overall, it was a great week, and I just feel so blessed that I am able to serve here! 

I love you all so much!
Hermana Frank

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

May 28, 2018

We went to the temple this week! It was awesome. I love the spirit that is there. 

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

May 21, 2018

This week was awesome! It has been really rainy and humid and hot, so biking is an adventure but it has honestly been so much fun.

We had a lot of success this week, and talked to so many people. We found a new investigator named Christi, who is so prepared to hear the gospel. She has gone through a lot of trials, but she is so willing to listen and change and she soaks up all of the things we are teaching her. It is so great! 

This week we are going to the temple, so we have little time to email...but,
I love y'all tons!
Hermana Frank 

Sunday, May 20, 2018

May 14, 2018

Hello everyone! 

This Saturday I had the opportunity to go to the temple with Magaly, a recent convert in Riverside. She is so sweet and was so excited. It was amazing to see her again, and the spirit was so strong in the temple. She really enjoyed it. I am so grateful for temples and the spirit that they bring into our lives. I know that  as we go to the temple more frequently we will feel the spirit more abundantly in our lives and see so many blessings. Also, it was cool because I was able to bring 4 family names and do their work! 

Afterwards, we went out to eat with her and a member from the branch. I am so grateful for them and their friendship. I absolutely love all the people here and am so blessed to be serving in Georgia!

Anyways, this week was fantastic and I am so grateful that I was able to talk to my family! I love them so much!

Thank you for all of your support and love!
Hermana Frank 

Sunday, May 13, 2018

May 7, 2018

This week was so great. We had a lot of meetings, but we still found time to tract and teach lessons and have lots of fun! 

We were able to find quite a few new investigators this week, and we are so excited to continue teaching them! We have seen so many miracles this past week, it is so insane. I love missionary work!

Oh, this week we also had stake conference and because the stake was split we had Elder Alba and Elder Costa from the 70 come and speak to us. It was so cool and the spirit was so strong! I learned so much.

I love this gospel and I love being a missionary and I love you all!
Have a good week! 
Hermana Frank

Saturday, May 5, 2018

April 30, 2018

This week was a week of miracles and blessings. Every week on the mission my companion and I see miracles and tender mercies, but this week they were just pouring down! At the end of the week my companion and I both fasted just to give thanks for all the many blessings we saw!

First of all, on Saturday we were tracting and met this sweet family. We taught them a lesson, and they all came to church! We were so pumped!

We found so many amazing people to teach this week, and we just saw that the Lord truly has prepared so many people here in this area to hear the gospel! By the end of the week we ended up finding 10 new investigators and they are all super solid and excited to learn! So yayyyy!  

I love being a missionary! This church is true! And never forget how much God loves you!

Stay peachy, 
Hermana Frank🍑

April 23, 2018

Hello everyone!!

Holy cow...where to even begin.... this week has been an adventure. I am so blessed with an amazing companion and we have worked so hard this week!

We are whitewashing in, so neither of us know the area, but that has been great because we have seen so many miracles. We knocked into quite a few families and we are so excited to teach them all! This one family was so sweet, they let us right in and fed us dinner, and told us they looked forward to coming to church! 

Another family was able to make it to church this week so yay! The work in this area is really taking off and we are so excited to be here!

It's the boonies and there are so many dirt roads and trees and it is absolutely beautiful here. My companion is bomb and its just peachy!

Love you all!
Hermana Frank

April 16, 2018

Hello everyone!! 

I don't have much time today, we got crazy news, I am going to be transferred!! Ahhh tomorrow I am headed to a new zone to be companions with one of my best mission friends, Sister Patching! I am so pumped but also so nervous. Also, lots of tears because I've been here for so long everyone is just like family. I love the people here and I love Hispanics, and I won't be in a Spanish area in my next area. But I'm excited for the new challenge and I know the Lord is guiding President Marsh and I'm going where He wants me to go!

This week was fantastic though, we had lots of lessons with some really amazing families. People are so sweet and kind, and at the beginning of the week we had a powerful lesson with a super great family about the book of mormon. We are excited to continue meeting with them!

Also, I forgot to talk about this but a couple weeks ago we had a lady come to church who is not a member and when we were talking about the new ministering program in relief society she started crying. She told us she felt the spirit of love so strong in the room. The opportunity we have to serve others is so fantastic and I hope we never forget to minister to others as Christ did!

I love you all!
Have a great week!
Hermana Frank 

April 9, 2018

This week was fantastic!!!!

I am trying to remember what we even did....

Well, we were able to see Magaly finally get confirmed this Sunday!! It was awesome, she was so excited and it was so cute to see her so happy. I am so grateful for the opportunity to get to know her and love her so much.

We also had exchanges with the Spanish sisters this week. I went to Canton with Hermana Oldham (my MTC companion) which was an absolute blast. There were so many people that spoke Spanish there! I have honestly completely fallen in love with the Hispanic culture. They are all so kind, and even if they don't have much to give, they give you something anyways. We ate like 5 bananas and a lot of other treats in the 5 hours we were teaching lessons and talking to people haha. 

Anyways, I absolutely love the people here in Riverside. We spent the week talking to lots of people, as usual, and I just feel a sense of Gods love for each of the people we talk to! He truly loves us so much. 

I love you all tons! Thanks for your examples and emails!! 
Hermana Frank 

Sunday, April 8, 2018

April 2, 2018

Hello everyone! Happy Easter a day late! I hope that y'all had a wonderful Easter, and had time to really reflect on the marvelous gift that God and Jesus Christ have given us. Really, through Jesus Christ and His sacrifice, we can live again! 

Also, I hope that y'all had a chance to watch general conference because it was BOMB! Oh my goodness the spirit was so strong and I was so grateful for a living prophet who guides us under the direction of Jesus Christ. I know that he receives revelation and knows how to help us in this crazy world! How grateful I am to know that God has not left us to fend for ourselves.

This week we had exchanges and meetings and I learned a lot each day. One of the highlights was a lesson we taught a family about the Plan of Salvation. They were so sweet and the spirit was so strong. You could tell that they were feeling it, and they were all so engaged! The kids remembered all the steps, and the parents are excited to have us back to talk more about how they can be an eternal family! Yay! 

I am so grateful for all of you, and I love you all so much.
Have a fantastic week!

Hermana Frank

Monday, March 26, 2018

Happy Easter

Hello everyone!!!!

First of all, Happy Easter! This whole week I have been so excited, I love Easter so much and the knowledge we have that because of Jesus Christ and His resurrection, all of us will be able to live again as well! I am so grateful for Jesus Christ, and His example and sacrifice for each of us. 

Also, for some super exciting news, Magaly was baptized this week! Por fin! hahaha we are so excited for her! She is so sweet and I just love her so much. I have worked with her for a while in this area, and it has been so cool to see her faith grow and to see her make the decision to follow Jesus Christ and be baptized. It was a roller coaster of emotions down until the very end (they had to redo her baptism 6 times because she couldn't get under) but so worth it. As one hermano said, when we are baptized we are returning to God and will be able to live with Him forever. I love that!

We also had zone conference this week, which was fantastic to be able to see everyone and feel of the spirit strongly all together! I am so grateful for the opportunity to be a missionary!

Love you all! 
Have a good week!
Hermana Frank

Oh and this is random, we met this cute 6 year old this week and while talking he was telling us about all the places he has been (like Utah and Texas, etc) and I asked where his favorite place was. He immediately said "McDonalds"! Hahahahaha it made my day. He was so stinkin cute. 

Thanks for the sweet packages!!!!! I have the best family everrrr 💕💕💕

She gave us empanadas😊

Making dumplings with the sisters!

Monday, March 19, 2018

March 19, 2018

This week was fantastic! We taught lots of lessons and went on lots of exchanges. I absolutely love the sisters in the zone so much!

The first exchange I was able to go with Sister Lu and she is so sweet! She is from Taiwan and is learning English. She makes THE BEST food and she is so willing to work hard and have fun! I love her tons.

I was also able to go with Sister Gneiting and that was a ton of fun too. She is a great missionary and example to all those around her. I Just love the sisters so much!

Anyways this Sunday we also spoke in sacrament meeting so that was great. :) 

OH! And we were able to go to help out a member paint their back deck, it was a ton of fun and we listened to conference talks and it was fantastic. 

Also, we met a girl from ecuador on sunday who is the sweetest thing! We got in and started talking to her, and she really just wants to learn. She was so eager to have her questions answered, and when we gave her a pamphlet to have her read she was so excited to learn more. She is so sweet. 

I love the people here, I love Georgia so much, and I love and am so grateful for the miracles I see every day!

Hermana Frank 

Sunday, March 18, 2018

March 5, 2018

Crazy news everyone! I'm not getting transferred!!  Haha I will continue to be STL here in Lilburn. (For those of you keeping count, that is a total of 6 transfers, 9 months, half my mission spent here) haha so yup it's pretty insane.  I am so excited though. We got great things happening here in Riverside. Speaking of exciting things, our investigator is finally getting baptized on March 25th!! Yesterday at church she was telling everyone, and she is just so excited and we are so excited for her!! :) yayyyy!
Also, this week we were able to find a lot of new people to teach, and we had quite a few people that were able to come to church!
I love being a missionary and I know that the Lord has a greater plan for each of us. I know that I am staying here for a reason and I am so excited for the next transfer! 
Also, this week was crazy because I was able to see my trainer, Hermana Bailey!  She came back to visit Georgia and it was so fun to see her and some of the other old hermanas that came back to visit.
A mission is the best you make so many great friends.

I love you all so much!
Have a great week!
Hermana Frank 

March 12, 2018

Hello everyone!!

This week was absolutely fantastic and I am so grateful to be a missionary! We had a ton of tender mercies and saw so many miracles this week! 

One miracle was knocking into a few really cute families who really want to learn more and are willing to change and come closer to Christ. 

We went on exchanges this week with some sisters, and I learned so much from her. We were also able to knock in a neighborhood where a lot of people speak Spanish and I was able to talk to them, which was a huge blessing for me. I love the Hispanic culture so much!!!

I am so grateful for the opportunity to still be here in this branch, I love the people here and the members so much.

I am so grateful for the power of the priesthood that we have on the earth again today. I know that truly the miracles have not ceased, and I know that because God loves us He has given us so many blessings. 

I love you all tons, 
Hermana Frank 

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

February 26, 2018

I can't come up with creative titles anymore, I'm sorry to disappoint. 

But as always, this week was fantastic. It started off with an amazing temple trip with the zone! I absolutely love going to the temple, and I am so grateful for the blessing it is in our lives. I know that it is the house of the Lord and that we can feel of His spirit there. I know He loves us and will help us receive answers to our questions if we read the scriptures and pray. I love this gospel! I love my Heavenly Father and I am so grateful for Jesus Christ. I'm grateful for the opportunity to share my testimony with the people her in Georgia. 

The work is going great,  we had quite a few lessons and are looking forward to some baptisms in the near future.

Oh and also, Sister Rhoton and I hit our YEAR MARK IN GEORGIA!! Isn't that so insane?! It was a great day and it was fun to think back to how much we have grown and changed on our missions. The Lord is definitely shaping us each day. Trust in His plan! 

I love you all so much!!
Have a good week!
Hermana Frank 

Thursday, February 22, 2018

February 19, 2018

Hello y'all!!

Well, surprise surprise, this week was fantastic!!

My companion and I were able to go on a lot of exchanges with the sisters in the zone this week, which is always so much fun! We were able to learn lots and I am so grateful for the sisters in the zone! I always learn so much from them. When I was with Sister Lott, who is serving in a biking area, every time we passed someone she would happily hop off her bike and talk to them. She is a great example to me of talking to everyone and sharing the happiest message on earth with them all!!

We also found a lot of new people to teach this week, and got a lot of referrals for the English missionaries. 

A great part of the week was also our Valentine's day fiesta which we had on Saturday night. We had a lot of investigators show up, and everyone had a ton of fun. There was so much laughter, food, and dancing, and I just love the Hispanic culture so much! It was great.

Oh and the best news? One of our investigators attended a baptism with us yesterday, and she turned to me and said, I'm ready to be baptized soon too. It's my turn. Yay! We have been working so hard with her, and it has been so great to see her progress and grow closer to Jesus Christ. She desires to follow Him and I am so proud of her and happy for her.

I love y'all tons!!!
Hermana Frank 

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

February 12, 2018

Hey y'all! 

This week we had zone conference, which was a blast and we learned tons. Sister Rhoton and I were able to give a training to the zone and we had a few of the missionaries share their testimonies and conversion stories. It was so cool to hear their testimonies, I am so grateful for the missionaries in our zone! 

One cool miracle this week, was we were tracting in an apartment complex and as we were walking in we saw a lady carrying in a bunch of groceries. We offered to help, and she let us and come to find out, she had just recently moved to the area! And she had been taking lessons from some sisters in Indiana! She fed us some African food and we talked for quite a while. It was so great, and as she was talking to us I could truly feel of God's love for her and her family. 

I love being a missionary and I love this gospel. I love Jesus Christ, and I know that He loves me and each one of you. 

I love y'all!! Have a great week!
Hermana Frank 

Monday, January 29, 2018

January 29, 2018

Hey y'all!

This week was fantastic! We had a Spanish conference and we seriously learned so much! (Including the fact that literally no one has d&c 4 memorized in Spanish lol) 
At the Spanish conference we talked about how to find, and they showed a demographic map of our area and everyone laughed because there are like hardly any Hispanics. But nonetheless, this week we were still able to find 8 new investigators and we are looking forward to this transfer!
My new companion is amazing, her name is Hermana Rhoton and we have been out the same amount of time. I am learning so much from her and so excited to work with her!
Also, a cute member of our branch just got her mission call to the salt lake city south mission!! So fam and friends, watch out for her and take care of her please! She's the greatest and I am so proud of her.
Watching her open her mission call brought back so many memories. I am so grateful for the opportunity to serve a mission, especially here in Georgia. I love the people, and I have learned so much. 
I love y'all lots! Have a good week!
Hermana Frank 

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Snow again?!?!

Hello everyone!!

I hope that y'all had a fantastic week. :) 

This week was pretty crazy, with a couple snow days, cancelled meetings, and transfer calls. 

So yup, it snowed here again. This time though, it was a lot more dangerous because the temperatures stayed below freezing for quite a while so we were limited to walking and biking. It really made me very grateful for our car haha. People thought we were pretty crazy, but they were really kind. :)

Thanks to the snow, a few conferences were cancelled, and our big meeting with the Atlanta mission was cancelled as well. We were disappointed, but we ended up having some great lessons and so it all turned out well.

This area has been seeing a lot of miracles, and I am so grateful for all the people we are teaching. I love the people here, and this branch is so great. Which is why I am so excited that I will be staying here for ANOTHER transfer! Hermana Mafi will be going to my old area, and I will be staying here with Hermana Rhoton. We came out at the same time, and I am so excited to work with her.

I love this work so much, and I love this gospel. I KNOW that God loves us. I KNOW that the Book of Mormon is true. I KNOW that my Savior lived and died for me, and for each of you. I KNOW that we can become better each and every day with His help.

I love you all so much! 

Hermana Frank